
Mc Cullagh Coffee

Recommended Reviews

16 reviews
Curtis Hall
2018-11-15 on google

Good coffee

Tom Blajszczak
2018-08-24 on google

Good coffee ..nice way to wake up

Dylan Bleau
2018-08-23 on google

I came here nothings expensive and everythings delicious

Steven V. Surawski
2018-08-17 on google

Great Coffee

Robert Kearney
2018-02-21 on google

For the price you can't beat their cost of a lb. of coffee, for the quality, you can't beat the price. I've tried different roasts and bean origins, and so far every blend and roast was fantastic.

irena Kim
2018-01-21 on google

nice and fresh coffee. They usually deliver to coffee shop but they have some roasted coffee for individual customers too.

Mark Marinaccio
2018-01-03 on google

McCulloch coffee is an extremely fine coffee we took a ride down there today to purchase some for home. My file always love a cup of coffee remind me of the old neighborhood great cup of strong coffee barnone one of the best.

Jenna Sullivan
2017-11-16 on google

Subpar kcups. As a diehard Buffalonian I try to support local brands whenever possible but enough is enough with this one. Have tried McCullagh’s breakfast blend and dark & stormy from Dash’s several times and usually have at least 5 cups per box that explode in my keurig leaving a mess of grounds to clean up. One time I even had a box filled with the wrong cups (donut shop)!For a company that’s been around over 100 years you’d think they’d figure this out but looks like I’m sticking with my Tim Hortons kcups.

Jody T
2017-11-10 on google

Awesome coffee. good company

Kevin Moriarty
2017-08-27 on google

Love the Guatemalan Antigua burnt molasses & chocolate notes French Roast Reserve !

Changhyun Ahn
2017-07-12 on google

If you want to buy good coffee beans to make decent drip coffee of your own, trust me, you can't beat the price and quality other than this factory's coffees. If you visit this place, coffee beans are actually much more cheaper. In short, their coffee beans are actually the best of the best around WNY region.

Ramedlaw Oyorra
2017-06-23 on google

A gteat place of working and good coffee

No Show
2016-06-27 on google

make and saleall kind of coffee

Ralph Marsocci
2016-05-27 on google

Excellent coffee at a reasonable price.

Sam Hull
2016-05-09 on google

The employees at McCullagh coffee are very nice. Everyone is upbeat, I suppose because the coffee literally fills the air. You breath in here and it’s like you drank a whole pot of espresso! The smell is excellent though. Love fresh roasted coffee. Good products and high quality coffee.

Questions & Answers

Making a delivery

Could be faulty cups call the office tell them your issue and they should switch them out... If its not the cups then its probably the machine. Hope i helped.

Hello, Our Canadian affiliate in Oakville, ON would be able to help you identify a distributor that could supply our product to you. They may be reached at 1.800.563.7007. Thank you!