Loacker Cafe Dubai Mall
Recommended Reviews
1 reviews
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Tonic .A
Always a pleasure to spend an afternoon in this mall. Big and full but never too much, always a good atmosphere and smell. As a tourist or as a local I always enjoy the time there. If you want to just chill by the fountain or be there fir specific need or have a relax time at the souk, a tea room or restaurant. I like Dubai Mall.
Questions & Answers
Dubai musical fountain
Yes.. u can where shorts everywhere in Dubai except the mosque.
There are multiple stores including the apple store where you can get iTunes card.
Apple store is located on first floor just in front of the Dubai fountain
800 38224 6255 - toll free number
Yes u will get a free wifi u need to sign in free and u can use it
Dubai currently is the one of the most popular tourist destination in the world , it has the tallest building in the world. It's safe, clean environment, it has many places to visit, Its ties to culture and tradition despite its rapid modernization. Despite Dubai's fast growth and modernization, what makes it unique is its ability to stay true to local culture, religion, and traditions.Dubai has become one of the hottest vacation spots and business locations in the world. It is a rapidly developing, fabulously wealthy city set within a centuries-old Arab culture with interesting tourist attractions. In Dubai, one can see dusty traditional villages, fantastically luxurious residential districts, or visit rugged mountains and majestic sand dunes only a few miles from pristine sandy beaches and lush green parks.
I searched the whole mall for one plus 5. But could not find any. Finally I came to know that one plus is only available through online shopping .
Yes for free. ..
Yes you can
Last updated information: 2024-05-21