
Jean-Robert's Table

Recommended Reviews

4 reviews
Thomas Jones
2018-10-20 on google

I visit this lovely spot a lot! This is my favorite spot to grab a bite. I visit this place many times. The cooking is very good, the staff members are helpful and the price is reasonable. I enjoy eating in this place to have a good meal.

Yelena Hagan
2018-09-09 on google

I am absolutely loving it!  Love the atmosphere, decor, staff is super friendly and helpful.... but the food! Oh yes,  that's definitely a winner! I got the lunch tray and every single thing in it was superb. Elegant, refined, delicious and extremity well executed.Roasted carrot soup was decadent and creamy, the spinach, egg and mushroom salad light and complex, chicken crispy and tender with fingerling potatoes and haricots vert ...Simply stunning! Cannot wait to try the dinner menu

Will Revis
2018-07-01 on google

Jean Robert is a master. From the reservation to the service this felt personal. I’ve followed Jean Robert from his time at the Maisonette to now. I knew what to expect... excellence. Yet somehow this experience exceeded that. Jim (our server) was incredible, and everyone that worked there was amazing. I’m probably not doing justice to how incredible the experience is. Don’t miss this!

Drew Davis
2016-06-15 on google

Always love it here. It's been over a year since the last time we've been. Used to visit much more frequently, but haven't had as much opportunity to dine here recently. Finally had the chance to and it did not disappoint. Decided to try some of the specials and not opt for our usual favorites and, as always, came away impressed. The presentation, taste, service, everything was great. Made us remember why we love Table so much and will be making a better effort to get back more often.

Questions & Answers


I tend to park on the street next to the library.

Jean-Roberts contact information concerning jobs can be found on Jean-Robert's Table website at https://www.jrcincy.com/careers/


You can find people dressed in jeans and tshirt in both the bar and seated options. Many treat the night with a level of special occasion and wear a bit more pressed or dress look.

I think it depends. It's a nice place, but not extremely rigid. We took our todler there for dinner and he did well. Many families go there.

Don't know, call them