
Cabine M


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Questions & Answers

Yes no problem you must not forget that every faith you go out you must iron safety yes no problem good trip

Pre-board security screening at Canadian airports is provided by CATSA (Canadian Air Transport Security Authority. Information on items permitted on board is available on their website: https: //www.catsa- acsta.gc.ca/fr/les-liquides-les-aliments-non-solides-et-les-effets-personnels

We advise you to contact your airline.

You have to be quick to get there in time.

What is the cost of a 23 kg suitcase towards Puerto Plata

Yes you can .. next time take a black car directly to QC is practical vrmt

I give advice for 3 hours.

It is imperative that you present yourself at the check-in counter at least 3 hours before the departure of your flight.

Nor do I! The


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