
Alsham Jewel Restaurant


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Questions & Answers


Yeh, they have queen bedroom and also two beds in single room.its not apartment.just hotel.

You can google Marco Polo hotel for their POBox no.

Depends on your booking

Check latest pricings. different websites are having different pricing.

If you Go There and reserve it's ganna be around 300 D .. but if you use booking websites you'll find great deals for as low as 150 D

Marco Polo hotel .only

That's too far away. Rates change as per demand. I don't think you need to plan so many months ahead. But you can try online booking. Remember those dates fall in high demand time. Because of upcoming 2020 Expo, all hotels are expecting higher demand than usual. If you are also looking for Expo 2020, then choose something closer to the venue. Coz, Marco Polo is too far and you need long time to commute on daily basis. So choose accordingly and try your luck.

Sorry I don't speak Arabic

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