
The Best French restaurants in Niigata

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4231 results


4501 Echizenhama Nishikan-Ku 953-0012

4 (0)

French Teppan Seikoan

3-1-1 Bandai, Chuo-ku 19F Media Ship 950-0088

4.5 (50)

"The view here was amazing and I was wowed by the service. Everything about this place was outstanding. The quality of service and meal were superior. The decor and atmosphere are elegant and refined"

Cave D'occi Garden Restaurant Travigne

1661 Kakudahama, Nishikan-ku 953-0011

5 (0)

Restaurant Bar Machida

8-1444 Furumachidori, Chuo-ku 951-8063

4.5 (0)

Restaurant Iso

7-13 Kasugacho, Chuo-ku 950-0903

4.2 (16)

"料理・雰囲気・接客 素晴らしい!いつも感動をありがとうございます。奥様の、程よい気配りが、素敵。 ほんわかとした優しい心遣い、嬉しいã..."

Star Light

6-53 Kawabatacho Chuo-Ku

3.5 (0)

Kitchen Dining Jagaimo

1-28-9 Toyano, Chuo-Ku 950-0951

4 (0)